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Sold my Gold Comps today :(


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I took the shell that the female was guarding so I can sell off their parents and what do I find? Bunch of babies :)

They seemed to have some sort of adhersive as they weren't easy to flush it out of the shell.

I've had the babies before but I was never able to keep them alive.

I've put them in a fry saver with airstone. They haven't got any yolks and are quite good swimmer (they are faster and more agile then the bigger baby occies i have with them).

I was thinking of feeding them crushed colorbits which occy babies love.

I know most would recommend baby brine but they stink and i prefer pellets.

Any tips would be greatly appreciated.

PS goodluck to the new owner. I'm sure you'll have alot of fun with them.

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