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NSW Cichlid Grand Auction


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Just the following for me (all 3-5cm);

Electric yellows,

Afra cobwe,

J Transcriptus "Gombe",

Auloncara Baenschi "Nkhomo Reef",

M "Msobo",

N Cylindricus

maybe some catties not sure yet

Maybe the odd display male of Msobo and "Nkhomo Reef" it really depends how much room is left.



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I'll be taking

~ Electric Blues - 4 Females 6-7cm

~ Electric Yellows - 3-4cm

~ Maingano - 6cm

~ Festae - 3-4cm

~ Chilotilapia euchilus - 3-4cm

~ Red Fin Kadanga - various ranging from 6 down to 4cm

~ Demansoni [maybe]

Thats about it ;)

Cheers :thumbup: CYAs there!

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How likey am I to find any of these species at the auction

Placidochromis Pheno Tanzania

O. Lithobate

Lethrinops sp. "Red Cap" or Tramitichromis sp. "Red Flush" or Copadichromis borleyi (Kadango)

if anyone is bringing them i would be interested in purchasing them of you

pm or email me z3186835@student.unsw.edu.au



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Was thinking of starting a new topic but placed it under here instead

This will be my first auction so im a bit excited.

Just wanted to know what you experiences on your best buys at the auction or what you bought at the last auction.


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