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Female Africans not holding to term


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Hi all.

Been having a problem with female "Electric Blues", Burtoni's and Lithobates not holding to term. It seems that the "Blues" and Burtoni's don't like to be moved while holding (is that common?) but they are parts of big colonies' and it's difficult to isolate them. The Lithobates seem to hold only several days and then swallow.

Would appreciate any tips.



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It all takes time - they may have a dozen moutfuls before they hold full term.

How long is it taking you to move the females? If you make the move in a swift few seconds they should be fine providing you didn't go crazy trying to catch them out and stress them.

Another problem is were they an established breeding colony at the time of purchase? If the previous owner milked the females early (Say 5 days), they will fall into the habit of not holding eggs past 5 days.

Last option is you may have them too crowded in the tank? Can you give us more details of the setup?

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Thanks McLoughlin.

It is possible that the Burtoni's and Lithobates are still learning the ropes: Both are reasonably young colonies'.

The "Blues" are an established colony developed from unrelated bloodlines. Unfortunately that's all the history I know and the guy I got them from has moved and I have no contact details. What you suggest is possible and worth looking at. The colony is made up of the dominant male, 3x sub males and 8x females. They seem very comfortable with each other in a 4ft. tank.

Many thanks


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