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I think its Zucchini that you are thinking of.... Best to just stick a folk in it and remove in 48hrs max as it will go all soggy.

You can blanch it if you prefer as that will also make it sink.



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wanting to feed my fish some cucumber not sure how to do it, what do u need to make it sink? any help would be very helpfull

you can secure the zucchini to a small rock or drift wood with a rubber band. Some people say to microwave a small amount for 15 sec. I have found that raw is best though.

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I use one of those long algae cleaners that have the scrubber on one end and the fork thing on the other. That way I'm not worried about them hurting themselves on metal, and it's also long enough so that in a 2ft high tank you can wedge it underneath the lid rests.

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ok cool thanks guys, i think i will get the rubberband idea and stick it to my drift wood that sounds like the best and easiest was in my tank thanks all

Fishing line tied to the rock or drift wood and a small weight on the other end(Ie.sinker- out of the tank) also makes it easy to pull out.

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ok cool thanks guys, i think i will get the rubberband idea and stick it to my drift wood that sounds like the best and easiest was in my tank thanks all

Fishing line tied to the rock or drift wood and a small weight on the other end(Ie.sinker- out of the tank) also makes it easy to pull out.

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Why not grab a veggie clip - they just suction cup onto the glass and hold it in place


Also if you want something to sink there is a guy who sells marine grade stainless steel screws which work really well with zucchini and pumpkin.

those pegs are not designed for thick vege's. I had four and broke them all. I made my own. Attach a peg to a piece of slate and tie some fishing line on it, works great and no more wet hands. Only feed enough vege that can be eaten in less than 12 hours. avoid cucumber, stick to zucchini its more nutricious and wont cloud your water.

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I use fork with hole drilled one end for fishing line.

The plec`s devour a zucchini in about 2-3 hrs

Cucumber tends to foul the water more and clogs the filter up with seeds.

Pumpkin, spinach or sweet potato works ok.

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I used to use fishing line and driftwood, now I just stab it with a wooden skewer to hold it under the water, The BN can devour a slice of zucchini in a couple of hours.

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