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Water Chemistry for Tangs.


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I've just setup a small tank for Tangs, and I'm wondering what sort of water parameters to run and how to achieve them. There's a lot of conflicting info out there.

The tank has white rock in it, and the canister has coral rubble to buffer the pH. I've not tested it yet, it's only been running for a couple of hours.

Thanks :)

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I think the addage "liquid rock"is a good one.My Tang. tanks run at 8.0+ and 400ppm hardness+.I liberally use rift lake salts and have a coral gravel substrate.Just remember Ammonia is toxic at high pH(being in the less harmfull Ammonium form at pH less than 7.0)So do the water changes regularly,I do 50% weekly change.Be careful with the new water;Tangs do not like water of different parameters esp temperature,Ive killed a few Lamps with cool water changes.Otherwise they are very hardy once established

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