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Sick fish, anyone seen this?


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HI all, one of my cyp's is sick :( Been moving into a new house recently and finished transferring fish to their permanent home in the new place. Notice soon after that one of my cyps had developed a small lump near their tail. This lump soon grew and within 3 - 4 days it had broken through the skin. Towards day 5 i noticed that half the head had gone real dark...but only half?!?!

I started medicating with pimafix and melafix from day 1. It has now been exactly a week and it has only gotten worse.The fish does not eat, and is swimming quite slowly. However it is still in control of itself...i.e. not dying on the bottom of the tank or anything...yet! So it is still wimming but just not very fast, and not eating either.

I just did about a 40% water change today, and am thinking of switching to sterazin as a medication. But would really appreciate any thoughts.

Here's some pics today:

not in focus i know, but it shows the half of the head which has gone dark.

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same again, except under a blue light

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pic of sore/lump near tail, you can see this half of the head is not dark, but you can just see the line where it goes dark on the other side:

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another pic...as well as my hand or something lol

IPB Image

appreciate any help. cheers, Ben.

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It really looks like a parasite to me.

You should Isolate the effected fish. I would actually Uthanase it by freezing it.

That way the parasite cannot find a new host.

Some of the experts here should be able to come up with a chemical to kill them off or stop them spreading.

Good luck

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Hi Spyder.

Very difficult to tell but the first thing(as suggested by Citypainter)would be to remove the fish to a treatment tank if you have one. I don't think it's a tumor(death dealing but not common in cichlids). It could be a skin fluke in which case I'd use "Paragon". If it's an ulcer I'd probably go for "Acriflavin". In either case I'd up the aeration and add some salt to assist the treatment. If it's T.B. you're better of euthanising. Sorry I can't be more help but difficult to I.D. from the photo's.

All the best


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HI, thanks for the tips. I think i may have to euthanase, but i'm going to leave it one or two more days just to see if there is any improvement at all. it looks as if another lump has come up behind the fin and the fish is even looking a little more bloated, so not looking good :( will update as things progress.

I am hopeless with hospital tanks...as soon as i set one up i can't resist putting other fish in instead lol, nevermind!



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