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Red Angelfish...?


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My two koi angel breeding pair have suddenly turned red - one is usually white and the other black, but it is obvious they now have a red tinge to them...and im not sure what it is.

I thought that it may be caused from the tetra colour bits that i am feeding them - it may have - however recently they have been acting "strange" - they are quiet, and seem to "fan" around the sponge filter (the action when they fan the eggs on the cone - where they sort of go almost vertical and move their fins fast). What are they doing/wats happening - are they sick?

I have tested water parameters:

amm - 0

n/ite - 0

n/ate - 20

ph - 6.8

temp - 27

Anyone know what is going on?

Please help, I dont want to lose this breeding pair!


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The "redness" seems to have gone worse than before. On the white one (male) there seems to be what looks like ammonia burn? on its body near the tail - almost like a blister. There seems to be a red line across it - not sure what it is.

Tested ammonia again today - 0.1

Did a 30% w/c yesterday

Have taken pics, will upload when i figure how to.

Any ideas?

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As you can hopefully see, there is a patch near the tail on the body that looks quite concerning - within this there is a noticable red horizontal line in the middle. In the second pic you can also see that its fins/flappers are "hanging" quite low - usually its not like this. There is also some red around the fins connecting to the body.

Anyone know whats wrong? The other one is not as bad, however I want to fix the problem asap


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The most likely cause of redness in skin(esp streaking) is blood which may mean they have a haemorragic septicaemia which will probably be bacterial.Usually this is followed by organ failure and a bloat or dropsy like condition .These septicaemias are usually rapidly fatal.Doxycycline may work either in the water or into the food(better) if the fish are eating.I hope Im wrong because fish rarely survive.

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