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Fish pheromones


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Just wondering if anyone has used a product which release pheromones which stimulates breeding. Since I have been fishing longer than fish keeping i know of a couple of products such as ultrabate or stimulate which stimulate the fish to go in a feeding frenzy. So just wondering if anyone sort of has some techniques to induce breeding with fish pheromones e.g getting tank water from guppys which have breed crazy and place it in a cichlid or bristlenose tank.

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You can use Brute 33.

Nut it only works on Axalotls as You need to spray it under their arms.

On a serious note.

Tempreture changes can spike the fish into spawning as can water changes and adding salts.

With Americans Water changes can work wonders.

With africans salts can work too.

With guppies add a female and a male = babies

Good luck with the Axalotyls

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I've never purchased one of the fish pheromone products before, I can though still comment on whether this has any truth to it. I have bred many fish and it doesn't take long before you notice a pattern. When I get one mouthful of fish in a colony, i get more. When I place guppies in tanks with catfish they seem to breed better (The catfish that is). When I have one pair of fish spawn, I get many more pairs that also spawn from the same tank. To me there is some truth to this. However one must look at the variables and the fact that once one fish breeds more breed may be due to conditions being perfect for breeding. I still though think that it stimulates breeding somewhat. Whether the man made products work is another story altogether.

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