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what to put in my filter


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go for the best filter media you can afford, eheim substrate pro, seachem matrix....

obviously with sponges in relevant places.

fill left over space with ceramic rings, or the lava rock.


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Bio balls, coarse sponge, ceramics, finer sponge, filter floss. Use a combination of those to give you good bacteria population & remove finer particles.

Only use rock or other naturally occuring items in your filter if you know the effect it will have on your water chemistry & if that effect is desirable for your fish & plants. eg: Limestone chips in filter for malawi cichlids to increase GH, KH & PH.

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Your chosen media sounds perfect. The volcanic rock is inert so won't affect your water chemistry but boy is it a pain in the backside to clean. Make sure you place the sponge before the volcanic rocks so it can act as mechanic filtration removing large particles that would otherwise 'choke' the bacteria.

Don't waste your time with bioballs. They are largely ineffective in a filter where they are submerged. They rely on being placed in a highly oxygenated enviroment for effective filtration such as a wet/dry filter.

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