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info on Oreochromis tanganicae


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gday all... just wondering if anyone has had experience with these (stunning fish)

Oreochromis tanganicae

i seen them 2day & i am so tempted to buy them 1m & 2f

i know i will need a large tank.

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If you have the space they are awesome looking fish, they made it to my shortlist but unfortunately I just don't have the space atm.

From my research, they get to be 18" or better in the lake according to Ad Konnings, I've been told they are open water fish so a Huge tank is needed 260 gal (1000L) larger would be better if you have the space.

They have been known to school but are pretty aggressive and you need the tank at a pretty high pH, don't know anything about breeding and fry.

Have heard of a few people keeping them in Koi ponds.

Don't like your chances for suitable tank mates though.

Keen to know if many people have had success with breeding them?

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A very big tank is required, they are quiet gentle with most other fish except themselves especially males once they have reached sexual maturity. They also like to make huge sand pits. Not a fish to rush into! Good luck!! let us know how you go.

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  • 2 weeks later...

These guys are slow growers, and like Ben said they are quiet gentle, my LFS had them for ages, heck they even bred at ~13cm. When young they are quite draby and they take forever to colour up. They eat everything and they do school up, and although they are "gentle" they have been kept with much more menacing fish. They are a species of tilapia (i maybe wrong though)

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Wow Ben they look amazing, what size tank are they in? Do you have a full tank shot?

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