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help need to raise alto and calvus fries


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I need some help on raising calvus and alto fries.

gold and black:

I lost several batches of both of them. Had them in a floating container about 5 inch sq and separate 2 ft tank of themself as well. They both clean every second days to remove all the sh!t and in both have got the water from the main tank to start up first and have always measure and check parameters!

They were fed commercially made fries food brand Sera something the first week or so then on to grinded NLS. after about 3 weeks they started to die and finally lost the whole batch. I'm usually remove the dead one as soon as i see them!

Can someone give me some suggestions on how they raise these little bastards!

i have had other egg laying tangs breed and raised the fries without problem but these alto and calvus have been giving me quite a bit of a challenge!


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I need some help on raising calvus and alto fries.

gold and black:

I lost several batches of both of them. Had them in a floating container about 5 inch sq and separate 2 ft tank of themself as well. They both clean every second days to remove all the sh!t and in both have got the water from the main tank to start up first and have always measure and check parameters!

They were fed commercially made fries food brand Sera something the first week or so then on to grinded NLS. after about 3 weeks they started to die and finally lost the whole batch. I'm usually remove the dead one as soon as i see them!

Can someone give me some suggestions on how they raise these little bastards!

i have had other egg laying tangs breed and raised the fries without problem but these alto and calvus have been giving me quite a bit of a challenge!

G'day Michael

I am no expert at all with these fish but seeing as no one else has replied I will give you my opinion for the time being and hopefully someone else :yes: may also jump in to solve the problem for you.

A few questions first.

pH? Any changes?

Ammonia? Any changes?

Nitrite? Any changes?

Nitrate? Any changes?

Like all tangs I assume these guys are particularly sensitive to rising ammonia/nitrite and nitrates. So if these alter then that may be your problem area.

What other water parameters did you check and did they change?

To get around the water changes problem I highly recommend beefing up you filtration and also using a Frysaver that transports water through the frysaver. You can build one here. Otherwise this could be the source of an ammonia/nitrite/nitrate build up in your tank.


I know people that raise there fish on baby brine shrimp with great success.

Personally I feed them a finely crushed up carnivore flake.

Hopefully someone with a bit more personal experince will also comment for you, but this is where I would start investigating your problem.



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