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pale jack dempsey


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hey guys my JD is looking really pale :confused: , its a male and he is about 4 inches. He is young and has the spot still on his side. His face has the nice glitter like pattern they they get but his body is really pale... he is healthy and swimming and eating with no problems. (no body or fin damage)

His diet includes: Hikari large pelets (Cichlid Staple)

Hikari bloodworms

Cichlid feast (frozen)

Beef Heart (frozen- once weekly)

Just wanna get sum nice colour into him... Thanks guys!

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What colour substrate do you have on the bottom? The darker the substrate, the better and more vibrant the colour.

Also, do you think he might be stressed for any reason? That could cause him to lighten up a bit...

Otherwise, if he's eating normally and not sulking, he sounds ok. :)

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A pale colour in fish could be due to many reasons, off the top of my head I'd guess,

Poor Food (should'nt be in your case)

Stress due to tank mates i.e. aggression,

Stress from acclimatising to a new tank,

Lighting that is too intense,

Water quality.

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A pale colour in fish could be due to many reasons, off the top of my head I'd guess,

Poor Food (should'nt be in your case)

Stress due to tank mates i.e. aggression,

Stress from acclimatising to a new tank,

Lighting that is too intense,

Water quality.

Yeah thats pretty much what can cause it as well as the colour of your gravel as someone stated above.. Also anything near him that could cause the fish to lose colour eg cats, kids..

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yeah i always feed him the good stuff... there isnt much agression in the tank... i have natural river bed colour stones so that might be it.. all the rest of the possibilitys seem to be ok... my water is at 7.2 ph so i think that is ok??

Thanks for your advice so quick tho guys! :-)

I also have a staffy(dog haha) he likes to sit on my bed and watch the fish... guess he is a fan aswell! every water change and feeding time he sits and watches... funny wen they splash cos u see his ears go up and looks at me like "what was that??"

so maybe he causes sum of it...??

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He could be splits or has electric blue genes. Most of my splits started pale and goes dark when they wanted to breed.

It definitely won't have Electric Blue genes... Different continents.

I have 5 Jacks in my 5 x 2 x 2. All are dark and showing lovely glitter all over. I have black gravel, excellent rockwork and the driftwood and dark lighting actually bring out confidence and colour in the fish.

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He could be splits or has electric blue genes. Most of my splits started pale and goes dark when they wanted to breed.

It definitely won't have Electric Blue genes... Different continents.

I have 5 Jacks in my 5 x 2 x 2. All are dark and showing lovely glitter all over. I have black gravel, excellent rockwork and the driftwood and dark lighting actually bring out confidence and colour in the fish.

I think he means the Electric Blue Jack Dempsey strain yeah?

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