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firefin eggs


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my female firefin comp seems to be eating her last 3 batches of eggs,the male cannot get access to them and i am wondering wether anybody else had experienced this and what you have done about it.

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You need to put more info... how soon after laying the eggs does she eat them? where is she laying them?

how far away is the male?

The males can fertilise the eggs from some disatance.

It is ideal if the shell that they are breeding in is only big enough for the female and the male can guard from the outside.

My comps ate the eggs a few times before understanding that they are not food :)

they will get beter after a few attempts.

good luck

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it seems to be a couple of days after laying and she is laying in a cave that the male cannot fit into he guards outside it also they have had 3or 4 successful spawns before this they are kept in a 2ft by 18 by 18 on their own the pair is roughly 3 years old cheers.

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The same has happened to me a couple of times. the female lays eggs in a barnacle... all looks ok. Couple of days later eggs are gone.. Then a few weeks later she will have another batch and they hatch fine.. Whether ir is something to do with if they are fertilized properly or not I do not know.



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thanks Phil i had the same thought on fertilization but they have had successful spawns before.I may just introduce anew shell and see what happens.Any other ideas?cheers Macca

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