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Discus & Peacock


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Hey guys,

I posted up some pics about a week ago of my new "Ruben Red" wondering if it really was a ruben red. Since then its colored up heaps, so ill throw up another pic and see what people think :)

Also, Im going to throw up some pics of my discus, trying to confirm their strain. Im convinced one of them is a leopard however Ive never really been sure about the other one. Any advice would be greatly appreciated :)

Okay, so this is the ruben red after about 10 days in the new tank, hes settled in well and is showing a lot more color this week. So thoughts, is this really a Ruben Red?

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This is my discus that im convinced is a leopard, but its quite different to any ones ive seen locally or even on the net. Anyone able to confirm?

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Now this is my mystery discus, ive been told that its a mix between something and something else (very helpful i know :p). Hard to get a good pic, sorry about the quality. Also have a look, its hard to see the orange tinge around the outside, this pic doesn't do it justice but you can sort of see it.

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And the Red Rubin looks very much like a Red Rubin should - at least at that distance. :)

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Thanks for the imput guys :raisehand:

The one i think is a leopard was originally sold to me as a "blue turquoise leopard snakeskin" :blink

Does that sound right?

Also, what about the bottom one? any ideas?


1st pic is not a snake skin, other pics are not leopard but are snake skin.

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Hi Chris

In the 1st pic it does look like a Ruben Red, the 2nd pic is of a Leopard Spotted Snake Skin(LSSS or LSS) & the 3-4th pic is of a Blue Snake Skin(BSS or BSS). The reason why it was sold too you I would believe as a "blue turquoise leopard snakeskin" is because of the parents used to produce the sibblings. Which, as the BSS you have, 3-4th pics, would be from a Blue displaying-LSSxGT. GT- German Turquoise, which is a common one here in AU which some get mixed up with the Blue Dimond although is distinguishable with the Dosal & Anal fins & higher body, as you describe with the orange tinge around the outside, very eligant. When an lfs or breeder sells stock, they should tell their customers, what the parents of the fish are, as from generations to generation the line of breed can still be determined.

You have good discus their no matter on the bigger size of eyes too the head, you can't get everything how you like it sometimes. The BSS is a beauty & displays the characteristics of the horizotal fine line. I myself have been breeding Discus for many years now, & have been a hobbyist for 27yrs.


Ahmed ;)

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The spotted fish is not a SS type. Striations and spots are not fine enough and there aren't enough stress bars.

SS is just added onto anything carrying this mutation which shows a fine patterned phenotype i.e. a LSS will have fine spots. SS genetics are complex as it is neither dominant nor recessive.

Unlike other species such as guppys and angels, discus genetics aren't well understood. Even if you know background (or what they want you to believe) many lines still do not breed true.

Very nice blue SS btw... you don't see too many of them around.

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