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Afra Cobue


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Just wanting to know if anyone has some good articles or sites on afra cobue breeding. Just bought 6 5-6cms last week 2 definite males and 1 definite female the rest im not sure because they have color like a female but on the dorsal fins they have the 3 spots which i thought only males had ???? 3-4 days ago i saw 1 definite male chasing the other male in circles then chasing another dono if male or female in circles also. The two definite males have taken residents in two different areas of my 4 ft tank. Just wondering what size do they normally breed, what is the best ways to stimulate spawning behavior and what is the best way to differentiate males from females other than color.


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I too need a bit more info on these guys. Mine are about 6cms, 1 male 4 females, the male is in fine color which as far as I know indicated dominance or breeding but so far no sign of the females playing the game. Mine is a community tank so spawning is just for interest as I dont expect many fry to survive the rest of the tankmates.

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I have 2 males to 6 females in with electric yellows and have no problem with both of them breeding.Just give them time to settle in, maybe do weekly water changes keep the tank clean and off they should go.Mine breed like rabbits i have about 100 fry in the last month.

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i have had them in my tank for over a week and i have seen them do the shake dance is that a sign of agression or spawning because after the dance the fish that conducts the dance will chase the other fish male or female?

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i have had them in my tank for over a week and i have seen them do the shake dance is that a sign of agression or spawning because after the dance the fish that conducts the dance will chase the other fish male or female?

Yeah just make sure you have some hiding places for them.

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I have 2 males to 6 females in with electric yellows and have no problem with both of them breeding.Just give them time to settle in, maybe do weekly water changes keep the tank clean and off they should go.Mine breed like rabbits i have about 100 fry in the last month.

Hi mate

Have you got any afra cobe

thank you ph0450328274 :)

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I have 2 males to 6 females in with electric yellows and have no problem with both of them breeding.Just give them time to settle in, maybe do weekly water changes keep the tank clean and off they should go.Mine breed like rabbits i have about 100 fry in the last month.

Hi mate

Have you got any afra cobe

thank you ph0450328274 :)

Yeah i have lots biggest are about 3cms for sale

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I have 2 males to 6 females in with electric yellows and have no problem with both of them breeding.Just give them time to settle in, maybe do weekly water changes keep the tank clean and off they should go.Mine breed like rabbits i have about 100 fry in the last month.

Hi mate

Have you got any afra cobe

thank you ph0450328274 :)

Yeah i have lots biggest are about 3cms for sale

cna you give me a call :thumb

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Just wondering what are some of the techniques or tips some people use to help spawn or breed these fish

the best and easiest way is just to keep a clean tank with good filtration. Females do have egg spots on their anal fin usually only 1-3 spots and the males will usually have 3 or more. This however is just a general rule and can vary quite a lot some times. I have a Group of 7. 1 dominant male 1 very subdom. male and 5 females. They range in size from 7- 9cm in length with the male being the largest. They usually breed once a month with batches of fry ranging from 15-30.

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They are fairly easy to spawn IMO. I originally started with a group of five young fry, which grew to one male and four females. Once they grew to breeding size they won't stop... I keep them in a heavily overstocked tank and they are still content, breeding fairly often. If keeping with other fish or on their own it is preferable to ensure that it has a cavern or area to call its own. Ive found that once they find a location the male will start to dig out any gravel he doesn't like and once he's happy with the area will start luring in the females. Remember though the main way to keep happy fish is to keep good water, and the rest will take care of itself in time.



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