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I am a computer technician and you have to learn to adapt very quickly to these things.

Yes netsky (and varients) is a pain. Because it spoofs (fakes) the senders email address with one it gathers from possibly hundreds of addresses collected from the infected machine.

Dont harrass the person who send the virus to you as they are probably not the culprit.

In relation to Unix being more secure then windows based machines this is purely curcumstancial. Unix/Linux has so many flavours/varients and running operation configurations that it would be impossible to target a broad range of machines to infect, therefore making it less likely to be a target for malicous code writers.

Windows based platforms fairly all run with the same configurations and applications in the same shell. Making it an ideal target. Estimations are that Windows platform make up 94% of Desktop OS placement.

I am a Mandrake fan but I still find myself using NT/2000/XP for certain functions simply because there arent lots of available programs/applications written for Unix/Linux in the flavour I like.

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