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My Aggressive Cichlid

Alex D

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Hello everyone,

I have a medium size tank, roughly 100cm wide and 50cm deep with 2 cichlids inside. Today I purchased 2 bristle nose and when i put them inside the tank, my yellow is always staring at it, and then it attacks it.

The bristle nose and yellow is roughly the same size, (4cm)

I already have plastic grass plants+ logs inside the tank to provide them with hiding places..

Please give me with some advice on what can i do to prevent my bristle nose from dying?


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I had the same problem before - bought 2 Albino BN and put them in my cichlid tank, i have about 25 mix of cichlids, and unfortunately the 2 BN only last for about a week. I picked up what was left from one of them in the morning...only the head was left over, and the other one was never to be found. From then on I don't buy any BN for my tank anymore, i guess my cichlids just don't like them !!! :(

Having said that, im pretty sure a lot of people out there have great experiences keeping BN so they can give you good tips. Though I think if your BN is big enough in size to defend on their own, they should be fine, it might take a little while for the yellow to get used to them, and how odd :confused: , my electric yellows are the most friendly guys in the tank, they are so peaceful and never complain !!!

Hope all goes well

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Thanks for the reply guys..

I previously have 4 cichlids in the tank, but 2 died.. If i am to buy more cichlids am i suppose to look for ones that are the same size as my current ones?

and also, how many cichlids would be appropriate for my tank size?

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really depends on wat kinda cichlid's u have and wat kind u wont to put in...i have 3 inch cichlid's with 1 inch ones the big ones only worry abt the other bigger ones to show who's boss..fish are like poeple in away some are just bastards ..i have 4 BN and the cichlids just ignore them.. gettin a couple more cichlids might take the focus off the BN..id say that would be ur best bet

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