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Microchipping fish?


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Hi all

The recent thefts have got me thinking about microchipping our fish.

Would there be any interest?

Im not sure on costs but doing a dog or cat is around $50 for lifetime registration + chipping. I would imagine there would be some extra costs involved in chipping a fish but if theres enough interest Ill find out for people.



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i was talking abt the same thing the other day after reading abt the stolen fish,,they do it to certain reptiles now..but i dont know what would be involved with doing it with fish though..it think if it was to work its a great idea

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Personal opinion....waste of money

I was burgled 3 times in our last house....all electrical goods were clearly marked with code and codes logged with police.....never had one item found to my knowledge.

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Personally ....... waste of money as well.

Reason being if they were stolen the only way it may get picked up on, would be if the person in possesion actually took the fish to a vet for some reason and even then most vets wouldnt even scan a fish to see if it was chipped anyway.

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Micro chipping isn't done to prevent theft - more as a method of ensuring your dog or cat can be returned to you if it ever gets out. With the higher priced reptiles being done, believe me it is few and far between for the simple reason that they will only ever be tracked down if one can find first the person who stole the animal and then have enogh proof for police to get permission to have it scanned. Waste of money because that isn't going to happen in the far majority of cases.

Going off my limited knowledge it also isn't a viable idea because of the relative small size of most fish. A regular sized chip would take up a large portion of a zebra pleco's body; too large a portion if you ask me. If the chip is then grafted onto the scales of the fish it becomes a simple task of using a sharp blade to remove the chip. Loose-loose either way.

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