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Help Sexing Blue Acaras Please Now We Know!


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Hi All, I have recently acquired what the aquarium have advised me as a pair of Blue Acaras. I have been monitoring their behaviour which involves mostly the male (thought to be) chasing the other one often. Sometimes they are the best of friends swimming happily together, displaying to one another, they do the shivering thing, change their colours etc but I know this can also be a territorial display. If anyone could take a look at these pics and tell me what you think I would be grateful, they are pretty crappy photos, but I am learning heaps from the Photography section and trying different things lol. They are approx 2.5" atm

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I guess my photos were a bit hard to tell, but YAY!!! Now I know I have a pair, as last night I watched the most amazing thing, my fish spawn!!!! (The eggs are on the side of the rock underneath and behind him) Here is a pic of Dad relieving Mum while she fed this morning. Truly amazing, my first time ever I have seen it. I am so excited, but I need some advise now on:

a) How long before they hatch

b) What should I prepare them to feed etc

If anyone has any advise to give I would appreciate it.

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They should hatch after a few days. You should get some rotifiers or fry starter foods at that stage, as its needed for the 1st wk or 2 until they are big enough to feed on Baby Brine shrimp. If you are feeding flake, the parents should help you a little as they will munch up the flake & spit it at the fry!


Ahmed ;)

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