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Gold comps and Frontosa


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Hi All

A few pics that I thought people would enjoy.

The fish are in the same display tank.

the fry have now been separated as I was worried that the fronts may jump in with the comps and kill them.

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I was sure that these fish were all looking at the camera as I took this pic! :lol3:

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They are awesome looking. Congrats on all the fry. I have some comps around 1cm mark and when I see yours it makes it worth the wait until they become adults and hopefully breed.

Thanks for sharing them (the photos, that is).


Tootie :thumbup:

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Let me tell you it was a long wait before they got old enough to breed (and I lost many along the way - some jumped from the tank, had a really hot day and half the colony died... But as you said tootie it is worth :)

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Thanks Edas glad you enjoyed the pics.

Hi Gerard

yes fire finns had some 40 fry but mum panicked when i was taking the fry from her and squashed a whole bunch. Still have 25 left though.

I am getting better at keeping them alive so hopefully I will get a descent colony in a couple of years!

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