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Shrimp with Guppies and Bristlenose


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I have seen Cherry Red Shrimp (smaller than glass shrimp I think) housed in the same tanks as bristlenose fry to breeding adults without any problems.

Mine are in a small 40L tank at the moment with a few small cichlid fry. (around 1-2cm) They seem to like sponge filters, where they can pick at food and debris that gets caught in the sponge.

They are great for hair algae too.



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I'm sure the bristlnose and shrimp could live together without any problems.

But it would not surprise me if the guppies thought the (baby) shrimp were a tasty (and maybe occasional) treat.

However, it would be nice if someone who has kept guppies and shrimp together could confirm, because I'd like to put some shrimp in with my Endlers Livebearers if the shrimp will survive in large enough numbers.

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i have cherrys, glass and guppies in the same tank.

i can tell you since i have added guppies to the tank, i haven't seen any baby cherries :(

though the big shrimps are fine. the guppies are juvenile ones as well. 2-3cm

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  • 2 weeks later...

Glass shrimp are bigger than red cherry shrimp, yes you can put them with many different types of fish. At the moment 1 of my 6x14x18 planted tanks, houses RCS- 25, with neons- 33, cardinals- 14, red eye barbs- 10, rumy nose tetras- 7, BN- 4(need more).


Ahmed ;)

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  • 4 months later...

Hi barracuda,

The shrimp are fine with the bristlenoses but the guppies will eat anything that fits into it mouth as pointed out by other members, so unless the tank is massively planted the shrimplets are going to find it rather hard to grow up, on the bright side they make very nice live snacks :)

We keep shrimp in with our some of our guppies and the number of shrimp does increase, just extremly slowly compared to other tanks.


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