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Bristlenose fry when can they go back into the main tank?


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I recently got a trio and about 40 fry 1cm. Adults are in a 4ft tank with 5 other bristlenose all 7 - 10cms and guppies as well.Fry are in a fry saver in the same tank and I was wondering at what stage can I put the fry into the tank? Is is safe now or what?

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I recently got a trio and about 40 fry 1cm. Adults are in a 4ft tank with 5 other bristlenose all 7 - 10cms and guppies as well.Fry are in a fry saver in the same tank and I was wondering at what stage can I put the fry into the tank? Is is safe now or what?

wow i just looked at the date and can't believe no one has answered you...


I have only ever once had bristlenose fry in a fry saver. The only time I would worry having them in a main tank would be dependant on tankmates and considering that you only have bristlenose and guppies, i'd say you'd be right to let them loose in the tank. When your new trio spawn (and they will) I'd leave the fry in with them then aswell.

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