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Betta/Fighting Fish in the Community Tank


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Thinking of getting a betta to put in my community tank that currently holds angels, dwarf gouramis and a few tetras. Just wondering whether this will work out? Will the betta and angels fight? I have heard of mixed opinions about this, so just wondering whether any of you have had any experiences on this.


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  • 2 months later...

personally i wouldnt,tetras will probably nip his fins off and secondly,bettas like still water so often the current is too much for them in a community tank.you could try it but i would be carefully monitoring the betta.

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best thing about fighters is that if you need to relocate them to another tank you don't need a filter ect.. so my advice is give it a go, sometimes they go fine sometimes they don't but you will know what will happen by watching them for a good 30 mins

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Another factor might also be the tank size. I've had my betta with guppies and white clouds and they all lived fine together in a big tank. Then one day i had to move everyone to a smaller tank temporarily and when i came back a few white clouds and guppies were missing chucks in their fins and clearly staying clear of the betta

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  • 6 months later...

As cuokuo said it wold depend on how large the tank is and the stocking level.

my cuz has a 5fter with guppies platys tetras angels suckers loaches dwarfe guoramis and a male betta.

as far as im concerned bettas are alright in a large tank. but you can only have 1!!!!

cooder :8

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