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What type of catfish could be kept with Malawi's?


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Hi All

Wanting some assistance - today we came home to find our pleco up against the weir dead. :cryblow:

So my question of you what type of catfish can we keep with our Malawi's given we are wanting to up our PH to 8.2.

We have a cuckoo which is doing good as well.

Help would be greatly appreciated.



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Any of the rift lake syno's will do well and a number of the riverine synos will adapt to a higher pH, plecos dont belong in african tanks IMHO, they may live but I would not say they thrive.

Also why do you want to up the Ph to 8.2? I keep my malawi tanks at 7.5-7.8 and my fish thrive.



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You can't go past bristlenose in my opinion. They are the best all round catfish available.

The pH doesn't need to be up there for cichlids to breed. Anywhere above 7.5 is suitable for them to breed. My tanks are at 7.5-7.8 and my fish breed all the time.

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