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My new addition..


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lovely looking oscar - dont know what colour you would call him tho.. he/she looks almost brindle.

THey grow about 1" per month untill they are about 7".

I jump on oscarlovers.com occasionally, post your pics on there and someone is bound to tell you what he is.



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Red tiger most likely, almost identical to my dearly departed "Chomp". 13 1/2 years old, 13 3/4 inches and sire to a crazy amount of fry.

Very affectionate fish if you pay them attention.

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Yeah it was local... Generally I wouldn't get a fish from this particular LFS because of the death reports myself and friends have... But its colour was too good to let go.

He's in quarantine at the moment with a careful eye on it at all times until the quarantine time is up and I have the tank ready for it to move into...

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