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HI ive got a 3 foot tank with plecos in it.Suddenly water has turned murky.Cleaned out filters, added charcoal, water is still murky but now they look like there gasping for air, does anyone know what i can do to help?


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go buy a water test kit and test for ammonia, nitrite and nitrate levels. without testing i would suspect that you are experiecing an ammonia spike. minimise or stop feeding in the tank, and do a water change with aged water. i would change maybe 40l if its a std 3ft.we will also need to know how long has the tank been setup, any changes in stocking or decoration etc if we are going to be able to help you. also add an air stone if you have one. what type of filtration do you have. when you cleaned them out did you rinse with aquarium water or tap water. tap water could have done further damage to bacteria in the filter media.

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