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Grey List Questions...

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Hey guys,

I've read up a lot lately on whe grey list and what's happened/happening in the not too distant future...

What's people's opinions of the grey list turning to banned list?

I'm in the market for a "Hornet" (Tilapia Buttikoferi) pair and as far as I am aware they are only banned in Qld at the moment... Grey listed around the rest of the country... I've found the fish, I'm just wondering if it's in my best interest and budget to go with them if I'm just going to have to euthenise them at a later date...

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mate from what ive heard through the aquarium industry and the koi society making the Grey list Black (banned) is only in discussion at present with no immediate plans to make it happen anytime soon. I hope there have been no futher discussions/decisions since I last checked it out!



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why would you have to euthenise them? have i missed something? How would anyone know what you had? i know if i had something illegal or banned i would love someone of authority to try to come in my home to kill it.

Just think about all the illegal fish in the country atm. Walk inot any lfs and you can find banned species. Its you lfs that would be on the hit list first up. imo

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With posts such as this... One has to wonder how far away it is...

The reasoning for euthanising a fish would be the fact of the fines and possible convictions that could be enforced.

I know you can debate the fact about someone actually finding the fish in the first place, but being a proud parent I couldn't help myself but show everyone... There's not much point having a prized arowana, stingray etc. if you can't show them off... Right?

But yipp-e, you are right, if the legislation has gone/will go through, they will start with the lfs. Once they've all been fined and convicted, what's going to be left?

All the people that have these alleged "pests" as loved pets...

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Yipp e,

You will find that it is quite easy for the officials to find out whats out there.

They actually surf numerous aquatic forums and you never know, Posts like this could alert them of things that are illegal. Not that this one would because they already know about it.

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i would love someone of authority to try to come in my home to kill it.

G'day yippee,

You would be surprised what they can legally do, believe me, and you can't stop them.

They actually have more powers than the Police, and can seize your computer etc and anything else they want.

A couple of people in WA have already been hit by Fisheries who confiscated computers & fish. They got the computers back, after a while, but the fish were destroyed & all they got was a big solicitors bill.

Not trying to scare anyone, but these are facts.


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Ok, i totally understand what you guys are saying. I should have been more detailed in my post. What i mean is the illegal fish trade will never be stopped. Even though fish are black listed this will not stop ppl trading them. Established breeding pairs/colonies already within the country and smuggling will cement this fact.

I used to work in conjuction with aqis a few years ago and know how much power they hold. I know if things got that tight then i would no longer come to forums like this and tell ppl what i had, but as far as not being able to show off my fish because it was banned, well not many ppl would know that a particular spec was banned anyway.

For example your neighbour comes over and checkes out your green arowana, you tell him its a saratoga! unless he is a hobbyist he probably wont know the difference.

But my original point is so long as their is money involved, then the fish will always be here illegal or not. :)

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you probably have read the possible action they may take.

one of them will be a buy back program. The fish are not classified noxious yet and they cannot enforce charges on something you bought prior to this. my very close friend is a lawyer and she keeps fish too :) she did some research and the worst they can do is use the scare tactics to save some money. Only complication would be how much you paid, versus how much they will pay you. (ie if they do classify them noxious)

Ps if it does become noxious, and you don't report it, then you're in trouble. that's what she said. she said you shouldn't hide anything as we haven't done anything wrong.

pps Cicolid please do not scare people with incomplete stories. You haven't mentioned anything about the circumstances. They could have been keeping piranha or they might have done something illegal (like they are the smugglers etc).

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