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PN Bristlenose Tank


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This is a really dumb question. I tried to put a large piece of driftwood into my 2ft tank for my PN Bristlenose fry and the bloody thing keeps floating to the top. I have tried turning off filter, and holding it down for a few minutes hoping to get rid of airbubbles. I have even tried putting some rocks on top but it still managed to float. Has anyone any suggestions? I gave up and put the small piece back in.



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Wood, dependent on what type can take a VERY long time to become waterlogged enough to stay down of its own accord, as stated rocks can be used to assist weighing it down.

I have some nice tree roots that were underwater for over 30 years in my families dam on the farm and when the drought hit I collected a few and cleaned them, but as they dried out they all floated again, and some even have rocks IN the roots, to combat this I determined how I wanted them to sit, then I used aquarium safe silicone to fix a natural slate tile to the root, I have buried the tile under the substrate and no one can tell the tile is there, just another idea anyway.



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