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Albino Bristlenose prices


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i know someone who sells them for $50 a pair, :):thumbup:

why bother saying it without proof that someone can buy it for that price.

isn't it the same as If I said I know someone selling breeding pair L046 for $50?

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They can be had for $50 a pair, but really they are worth whatever the buyer is willing to pay.

You cant even put L046 in the same sentence.

Breeding pairs will often fetch much more, but as I stated it's up to what the buyer is willing to pay, I ended up giving away 12 adult ABN's that were breeding as I just got over them.

Post a wtb and see whats on offer, ancistrus sp. 3 is not all that fussy and generally if you lob a few of differing sexes into the same tank they will breed with no hassles.



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