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What size tank have you successfully kept these fellas in as i am thinking of getting about 6 of them to put in my almost 3ft by 18 by 18 tank <_<

Would they go well in this tank??

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Personally, I think you would need a bigger tank. These guys swim in the open water in the wild, and take up the mid section in your tank. Hence length of the tank is going to be more important than width of depth.

They will be much happier in a 6 footer, and are much happier in large numbers. Consider 6 fish as the minimum amount to keep.

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I agree with Huzzy, the smallest I have had cyps in was a 3*2*2, which was only 1 male. A 3*18*18 is a really small tank for Cyp's. Out of interest was variant are we talking, a leptosoma or a jumbo variant?


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not the jumbo ones

just the smaller ones

I was just curious as i dont want to have problems with them fighting too much

Wll have to find something else to put in there

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not the jumbo ones

just the smaller ones

I was just curious as i dont want to have problems with them fighting too much

Wll have to find something else to put in there

I havent experienced cyps fighting other than a male defending his spherical territory while spawning, but its more like moving other fish on, rather than fighting.

The tank size is more for the fish's comfort, so they can stretch their legs.....err..fins.

something else is a better idea....Multis, Brevis, Gold Occys, Cords, Julies, Calvus, Altos.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi John, i keep a colony of C. Leptosoma (malasa) in a 3 ft tank, however mine is about two foot high as well. I have a fair number in the tank, 8 full grown adults (two males) and a group of 4-5cm fry (5m/3f). They seem to do fine in this tank, however i have no other species occupying the same water space. I only keep bn, cuckoo cats and multies in the tank and only in small numbers. The fish breed regularly for me and i have another small growout tank full of fry.

I think that you may be ok for a small number of fish (4 - 6, 1m3f, 2m max.), just don't throw too many other fish in with them.....and obviously keep the number of males low.



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