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Cyathopharynx furcifer 'Mutondwe'


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no I haven't seen any photos but given the location (right at the southern tip near mbite island and kasakalawe) I'd expect it to be tend towards blue rather than green, marbled patterning higher up on the body and a yellow chin.

How about you get 'em, grow 'em and take some photos :-)

There's a guy over on the tropheusfanatics forum "ykramaz" http://tropheusfanatics.invisionzone.com/i...ic=2041&hl= who happens to live in that region (he can see Mbita island from his back door) and might be able to get a photo for you or at least a description if you ask him really nicely :-)

(note to tha forum moderator nazis: this is providing a link to a "person" not to a "forum", competing or otherwise, please take three deep breaths, count to ten then ease that finger carefully away from that delete button so you don't accidentally trigger it :-) )

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Yeah I've been thinking the same thing if I knew what they looked like I might buy some. Mtondwe is very close to mbita so I wouldn't be surprised if they are similar or even the same morph as the mbita which I believe has a foai "yellow chin" variant and a furcifer variant which has a predominantly yellow head and blue/green body in the picture I have. But then again the tropheus from the two locations look completely different from each other So who knows. Thats another thing I have noticed with Bay Fish they don't often have the updated foai/furcifer status on their featherfins.

I think if bay still has them on their list when I get the tanks for my room(hopefully less than 1 month) I'll get some and just see how they turn out

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has anyone ever seen this fish in the flesh, Cant seem to find any pics online for it and I would prefer to see something before I purchase them from the LFS. Bayfish are stocking them.



hi Aaron

most C. furcifer are spectacular fish.

i'd suggest that you just go for them, give them a 4x18 tank and let them grow up and be surprised with the outcome. i'm sure you wont be sorry

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