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Water Condition for Red Jewels


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Hi there,

I have a couple of Red Jewels that appear to love breeding when the water condition isn't that brilliant. When I do regular water changes they don't breed. I let the tank go, on purpose and they get ants in their pants.

What's the go with these particular fish? They seem to thrive in water I would imagine would shock you.... it certainly shocks me.

I discovered this phenomenon when I left a mate to feed my fish while I was on holidays. He over feed them and my water condition was not impressive. I noticed the jewels breed. When I brought the water back to the right "clean" conditions, I was happy but there was no love in the tank. This went on for a few months. I decided I won't clean the tank out for a little while and see what happens. The water started to tint brown from my drift wood and is ever so slightly cloudy. And guess what? The buggers have breed.

Why is it so?


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they're a west African riverine [biotype]

you have discovered that they prefer their water a little softer than thier lake cousins.

the driftwood is lowering the ph. don't worry about the tannins from the driftwood, just do smaller water changes so the PH doesn't shift too radically

give them a google, you'll find heaps of info to help you

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