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Colour Enhancing Foods


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Can anyone with experience shed some light on whether colour enhancing foods (----------, etc.) are a good idea or not? I have heard they can render fish sterile and would like to know if there is any truth in this. I know brightly coloured fish are attractive but can't get past the idea that it is trying to improve on nature and seems wrong, especially if the side effects aren't really known.

Also, if fish shops regularly use it, how does this affect the ability to sex fish?

Any advice would be appreciated.


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some PROS and CONS of using color enhancing foods suck as -------- products are

PROS: Good for display tank, Enhances colors very fast.

CONS: Bad for fish hormonal system, males AND females turn the male color so none will end up breeding cause they cant tell which is male or female.

just a few there. And listen to me never try these products, just give your fish some time and they will color up.

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Gecko -

The brand you mention is most definately NOT endorsed or recommended by the SCP forums. If you want a good colour enhancer I would recommend Tetra bits (though please don't feed it as a staple for your fish).

I have edited both posts to remove the mention of this brand of food.

My advice is don't use the product you mentioned - while the exact effects, mechanisms of colouration etc, are at this point unknown - this should be enough to discourage its use.

Email, ICQ or PM me for more info if required.


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