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Planted Tank Help...


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I'm thinking of starting up a planted tank and have a few questions.

1. Is a substrate like Seachem Flourite, or similar, absolutely essential, as I'm not entirely sure I could get something like that here in Kalgoorlie. If anyone knows anything that can be used as a substitute or equivalent that I can get from somewhere like Bunnings, Waldecks or somewhere like that would be rad.

2. I'm going to set up a CO2 system, and am unsure on how long to have it in the tank each day.

Thanks in advance for your help.


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hey dude i have a coupl fo planted tanks, i would go with the seceam adn other substrate it is worth it, as for co2, depends on how much light you have going in the tanks, i would look at geting double t5 light, then go co2, just start with the home made ones, (google it) then look at the good ones, i use the red sea pro works pretty sweet, recator gets a bit dirty

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