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Will Bettas eat my snails


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I would like to get rid of some small brown snails - shell similar to regular garden type snail.

I understand clown loaches eat snails, Seachem excel helps kill them and I heard that betta's will eat them all. Can anyone confirm whether bettas will do this? If so, might get myself a male siamese fighter. I have a 4 ft planted tank with 4 discus, corys, cardinals and a pair of rams.

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Some do, it depends on the fish. It is usually the females that are noticed doing this, but I'd bet that is mainly due to access to larger tanks and feeding competition. They tend to be given more exercise space and kept in groups so they get a bit chunkier and are a little more gung-ho when it comes to food.

You might get lucky, but I wouldn't buy bettas on the basis that they will fix your snail issue :(

Maybe yoyo loaches? not sure how good they are, but apparently they'll have a go.

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