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I need some advice on how to take close up photo.

Sometimes when I get too close to my tank and taking pictures, I can see the reflection of the lens.

I can avoid this by taking the pic in an angle. But are there any other way ? I wanted to take the photo straight.

Heres an example of what I mean. Thanks in advance.

IPB Image

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Gday mate, Turn off the lights behind you which will cut the glare and reflections off the front of the glass. The more light you can have above the tank the better as you can use a faster shutter speed to get a clearer pic. Under normal lights, using an auto shutter/aperature, the fish dont stay still long enough to get a clear shot generally and if you increase the shutter speed too much they get too dark. I imagine that some of the photos I have seen taken on here by the guys that contribute to mags, have top quality lenses that let in a lot of light to get those excellent results they constantly produce.

Keep trying and experimenting though mate, as practice will produce better shots in the future. Good luck with it.

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I do turn off all room lights and only use fish tank lights when taking pics and still get this problem.

I've been reading this article: http://www.aceforums.com.au/index.php?showtopic=17198

The slave flash is placed at the top of the tank, at the front, angled slightly towards the back. I have found if you place the flash to far back then you start getting reflection of yourself with camera in the pictures.

--> I dont use flash

And 1 more thing, what do you call this device where you can separate your flash to your camera ?

I know theres a cord as well as the cordless one. They're really usefull arent they for aquatic photography ?

EDIT: enigma (if you read this post :D), when you taking your pics, do you use this device too ? Placing your flash on top of the tank ?


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that pic is out of focus. i reckon the camera focused on the front glass instead of the fish. that's why you can see the reflection of your hand clearly. what lens do you use?

if you want to shoot straight try to move your camera up and point it slightly downward.

yes, i do have ST-E2 wireless transmitter so you can position the flash anywhere you want.

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