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Royal Whiptail Spawn


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Unfortunately there's little chance of rearing these guys as they laid in the community tank (not that they're hard enough to raise already!). Has anyone moved whiptail eggs before, and can I just keep them in a fry saver?

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Unfortunately there's little chance of rearing these guys as they laid in the community tank (not that they're hard enough to raise already!). Has anyone moved whiptail eggs before, and can I just keep them in a fry saver?

Congratulation's best of luck with rearing them :thumb

I like the photos good work :thumbup:


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Fantastic photos Cuong.............very clear. :clap:clap

Hope you have some success in raising the fry, I believe it is very difficult to get the fry to eat sufficient food to keep them alive, do you have any plans on feeding them.

Great fish too.

Best of luck mate. :thumb

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Found half of the eggs empty when the lights came on today and would be confident that the geophagus that found the hatchlings would have had a nice meal. I decided to scrape off the remaining few to see what I could do with them, but before I did I took a couple of shots of how they've progressed. You can see the little fry wriggling quite a bit in their eggs now.

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Unfortunately the eggs didn't last very long in the floating tub, but I have moved the parents into their own tank for now and the females were getting rather plumb again. Fingers crossed! :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you for the comments everyone.

Well the good news is that they're spawning very regularly and the eggs have been hatching out nicely after I remove them from the glass and put them in the fry saver. The bad news is I don't think they're eating which is the main problem with whiptail fry. I've tried giving them frozen BBS (so it stays on the bottom) and a particular brand of algae wafer that breaks up into particles after a while in water. They seem to just stay on the sides.

The eggs themselves have proven to be quite resilient. I threw a small bunch of them out of the fry saver into my bristlenose tank thinking that they hadn't been fertilised properly and had all sorts of black furry gunk sticking to the eggs. Then a found a few of these little guys sticking to the glass a day or two later.

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