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Hey guys

Just wondering how much salt you guys - who put salt in their tanks - use? :dntknw:



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It's important to dose even salt correctly as if you just throw in a little handful in all it does is promote growth. Only near the right salinity level will salt actually have the desired effect (hypertonic tension).

And yes, it's around 1tsp/40L

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Up to your digression, but personally I don't use it prophylactically anymore. I keep it simple and only dose when the fish look ill, it's cheap and effective so don't be too afraid to dose even at the slightest change. As the owner of the fish, you're probably the best person to recognise when your fish aren't acting how they should. There might be a problem with the bacteria getting used to the salinity levels but that just reinforces the point that you need to dose correctly.

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