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Peppermint Tank


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I recently bought a Jebo 380 (35litres) and have put in there 1 male/female peppermint in hope that they will breed. The fish are a little over 2 years old and were originally in a 2 footer with 4 other peps. I recently found that eggs kept getting kicked out so thats why i am trying to split them up. Wondering if this new tank will be big enough for them to breed in? no substrate, a piece of drfitwood and a small terracotta pot with a small entrance is all that is in there.

the tank looks like this:


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Personally, I think you've done the right thing by giving the male and female thier own tank. I find that when there are more than one male in a tank, it causes stress to all and the males will be so busy competing, they are not concentrating on the breeding. Good luck!

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Thanks for the replies guys, will leave it as it is and see how they go. I have 3 males and 3 females at the moment.

2 fish in the jebo and 4 in the 2 footer. i am concentrating my efforts on the 2 footer thats prob a better set, i just wanted to downsize the colony a little but hence the jebo.

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