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619 Fish GOD

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Hi All,

I have a blue Discus which isn't eating. He's about 5 cm Wide and he's hasn;t been eating for a littl while. They where brought with a few others and this one and a red are the only survoiuirs (Red one is fine). His in a container in my main tank because he keeps going to his side, gasping etc. What do I do? Please help me!

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PS: The Blue's stomach is "Sucked" into the body.

OK, you say you had a group and have lost the rest and are now losing this one. I would say it is curtains for him and now just worry about the last one.

Check all water parameters and post here. Just to be sure

I would suspect a parasitic worm of some type and dose for this.

However if you started with a group and lost the rest maybe find someone who keeps discus and give your last one away and try something easier.


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Yes, I had a group of 8. I was aving up for thema nd thne got given them for my Birthday. Not all fish have had the same Syptoms though. I'll test Ph and Nitrate now.


Well, My Ph Pen is A) Broken B) Having a bad day because since when was is possible to have a Ph of 14.9-15.5?

I'm testing for Nitrate now

2 Mnutes till I'll now my Nitrate

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If you have a pH over 14 you are probably creating scientif history! pH ranges from 0 (acid) - 14 (base). 7 is neutral.

My guess is that it is a parasitic infection. Try a metronidazole treatment - melafix won't do the job.


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Hey Foai,

Thanks, I'll try and find shop with that treatment. My Nitrate is 5 ppm. Again, Ph Pen is broken. Say, 6.8. Its a community Tank with assorted Tetra's,Cichlids and Catfish. Its 5 x2 x2 foot. Heavily filtered. These fish were brought via pet shop and only 2 had grown, there both dead now. What should I change in my Tank to help the Discus?

PS: I'm going ot school now, I'll come back online at around 1:10

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Umm, Breeding Angels, African Butterflys and some Egyption Mouthbrooders. I'm planning on getting soem Kribs and maybe a Pair of Firemouths. Big Maybe there. The only other "Big" fish are some Gouramia's and 2 Black ghost's. Thanks Georgie and Gingerbeer!

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Breeding angels - they will pick on your discus.

African butterflys - they will pick on your discus.

Not sure about the temperment of the egyptian mouthbrooders as haven't kept them but would not mix them if it was my tank.

I would say that there is too much activity in there for you discus too. gourami also are very active and will cause problems.

Kribs and firemouths are sure to pick on your discus.


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Hey Steve,

I lost the blue one last night. I think your right about the Gut Infestiton. I keep a really close eye on the Red and he came and had 8 Bloodworms with all the other fish around. He's very active. As for the Aggro Fish, I'll look closer for any signs. The only "Bullying" I see is beteewn the Gouramai's. Thanks all for your help

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Sorry to hear about your losses so chin up. Especially since I remember how excited you were when you got them. You are gamer than me taking on Discus, I am not that keen especially given Canberra's water chemistry.



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