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Annoying Betta Fin rot


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Hi Guys,

Well my betta has had some form of fin rot (i guess thats what it is) for about the past 6 months, heres the methods ive tried to cure it.

1. Salt in Tank

2. melafix

3. Multicure

4. Mercurochrome

5. Keep tank very clean

So far nothing works. Here are the symptoms.

I trim the fins back so they look normal again. Within a little bit of time, the colour starts to be removed from the fins, like someone has dipped the ends in bleach. Then the fins slowly start being eaten away.Sometimes the fins just lose the colour but dont actually get eaten away. He has had this condition for most the year now and it is really annoying me. My next option i thought would have to be one of those waterlife medications, myaxcin or similar i think its called.

But any other opinions on a good med to use to treat this, possibly cheap, would be excellent. I want to buy a nice SD or HM but if i cant keep a veil looking good, i aint gonna buy anything more expensive.

Ok thanx alot guys


p.s. His tank is a 17L set at 25 c with an air operated corner filter, a plant and no other occupants. Tank has been established for 6 months, no other parameters avaliable

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Myxazin doesnt seem to have any effect, it hurts the fish more than the infection.

Did this fish come from Monaco? or in a chinese food container? There is a bacterial strain coming thru that has taken out 4 of 7 of my fish that i bought from there, and out of the remaining 3, 2 of them are ill. :(

My problem looks white and i suppose... shrivelled? like melted nylon rope? its hard to explain.

Get a hold of tetracycline tablets (aquarium science makes them, check with your LFS for individual ones) and some egg white.

crush the TC and use the egg white to coat your normal betta food *lightly*

roll the pellets in the TC powder and store in an airtight container in a dark place. feed daily. They *should* accept it, but if not (and trial one first while you are making them, making sure its dinnertime and its unfed) add in some bloodworms to the crushed TC to mask the flavour.

They refuse TriSulfa, its too bitter.

SO FAR this is the only thing i have found that will halt this bug, but its not a long term fix either. I am losing about 1mm/2 months... maybe more of one of my boys. Furan2 is supposed to be the be all and end all, but you cant buy it over here :(

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Well i tried to take a photo of him so you could see what the fins look like, but i couldnt for the life of me get the damn camera ($750 digital) to focus on the fin to get a clear picture :p . Well i have seen what your talking about, shrivelled fins, but mines different. Apparently to cure that problem, you should put your betta in the sun for a while, thats just what the people on the ABB recommended for that shrivelling. Yeah but as i said, mine doesnt look like burnt nylon rope. The fins are normal colour near the body, then they have an off colour section where the infection is progressing, then at the ends the fins a clear, absent of all colour.

Furan 2 caspules you reckon. Well a girl from brisbane got those capsules from her local pet shop, so they are around. May have to run a search and see if any are around here.

Um my fish, well my fish came from crossroads aquarium in Newcastle (i like this shop). He was swimming fine in the tank and was fine for 3 or 4 months before he got a bad case of fin rot cause my GF didnt change his water while i was away. And from then on, he has just never got rid of it fully.

Ok well any more suggestions in cures would be appeciated, i want his long flowing fins back :p

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I tried the sun thing. Didnt work for mine. Whatever you have i'm glad its not what i have, very soon my DLt wont have a tail to speak of :angry:

And clear can be regrowth, providing there isnt rot in front of it.

And if ANYONE in Sydney has Furan 2 or knows where some resides, please let me know, i'm at my wits end!

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Hey Guys,

U say that the clear fins etc is fin regrowth??? so the fins grow back clear and then get colour. Ok well how fast do fins usually grow back, cause the clear fins take a while to appear. Hmm well i have taken his tank apart and he is now back in his bowl, he seems to like it better than the bigger tank :): . Ill keep watchin the clear section and try to assess if the fins are in faxt getting longer, i didnt think they were but hey ill keep a close eye on it. His little side fins have also got chuncks out of them, so ill see how they progress as well.

Yew i dont take any water parameters, but the tank had been set up for a good while with a preconditioned filter from an established tank

Ok thanx guys, ill monitor him and then decide if i need to buy meds and what not.

Thanx for the assistance


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Yew, ordinarily i'd agree with you, but with the amount of weak bettas around at the moment, most pathogens can get a foothold in even the clearest tanks.

I am keeping strict quarrantine, water changes, and ammonia detoxifiers (they seem to like that better than plain dechlor) and i'm still getting the occasional bacterial infection.

BTW, i found bowls far better than tanks too :B

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Guest cichlid_idiot

Do you have any other fish tanks? If so, try using the water from another tank (preferably neutral ph) in a pickle jar (do not use tap water) and or chemicals. Don't worry about filters or air stones. Put this jar where it will get some natural light (not direct sunlight)Change this water every 2-3 days using the water from your other tank. I use this method without any problems.

Cheers Peter

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Cichlid Chick

hey! :)

It could be fin re-growth, one of my bettas has this problem too, he hasn't been having any other ill side effects and his fins do appear to be growing, but it is taking a long time...

Has yours got any better? :unsure:

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Hey Cala,

Yeah you should try out the Promethasul stuff since its safer to use on bettas than melafix since melafix needs a filtration going on and bettas live in jars.

so yeah worth a shot if it doesnt work then try that method with the water changing like cichlid_idiot said.



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You describe a very similar problem I am currently experiencing. My Silver Dollars have got the frayed fins with white kinda tips over the last 12 hours. I dont believe it is bacterial finrot but more in relation to water chemistry. I've done an 70% water change but I'll only know what has happened by the morning. I've replaced gravel and stupidly also a filter at the same time, so I think I am currently suffering from ammonia spikes. Test kits are on the way. I was able to grab a snap of the Dollar, which you may like to compare to your Betta. Sorry about the quality, but these lil buggers are blinding quick.

I did and currently am suffer from this problem, and whilst it is bloody frustrating, (to the point the tank just about went out the door) water changes, seem to be a welcome comfort for the fish, along with Melafix, which I think did help a bit.




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  • 3 months later...
Guest Smasha

Ok well any more suggestions in cures would be appeciated

I use Spendid Betta Fix Remedy when my bettas are sick or have rips or tares in fins it works great as it is designed just for bettas biggrin.gif

HTH biggrin.gif

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Grungie, hows it going on your end?

I've stopped 2 of mine completely with scissors and mercurochrome.

One has stopped enough to give me some regrowth and with it, some time.

One has lost entire rays, but she seems OK still.

I'm getting there, but its a hard slog.

Waterlife meds are being pulled off the shelves, grab them while you can!

Also, have you tried Tetracycline or Trisulfa?

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Hey Guys,

wel lthis thread has kept going for a fair while now. Well my Betta still has the same whitening/clear edges of hid fins. His fins arent being eaten, but they havent grown much either. He is still happy and stuff so i have just left him. Im going to try and get soem web space so i can upload pictures, when i do, ill post one ehre so u can see what mine looks like. Its ahrd to see if the pic above is the same as mine.

Ok Cya Guys

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  • 2 months later...

It may be a long shot but try putting some dead banana leaf in the water with him. This (along with indian pepper and heaps of other leaves) is a remedy used to help heal wounded fighters in Thailand. SOmething to do with the tannins. You can chop it fine and keep it in a home made tea bag (cheese cloth). I have not had any problems and have even used (2nd hand) normal tea bags to no ill effect.

May be worth a shot, just be prepared for questions when people notice your fighter tank is yellow........

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