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red devils & severums


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i am wondering if the following fish can be kept together, severums and red devil. if so are they any other fish that can be kept with these tank busters if so what are they (american ciclid of caorse).

Any help would be appreciated.

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I definately wouldn't advise keeping these fish together!!!

Red Devils are very very agressive fish and should usually be kept on their own or with other fish of similar agression (I have had experience with both Black Belts and Jack Demsy's with red devils).

On the other hand severums can be a farely peaceful cichlid in comparison!!!

I think you will find that your red devil will bash your severum up or kill it.

As far as I am concerned you would be a fool to put these 2 fish together!!!

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hmmmmz..... well i' ve seen some pretty agro severums but yeh anyways thanx for the help as i got the red devil and was planning on gettin severums but now its all good lol.. have to find another tank mate for him now ehehehe....

what is suggested anyone have kept anything with red devils before? any success?

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Severums can be agressive towards less agressive fish, but I doubt very much that they would come out on top, from an argument (so to speak) with a red devil - though I would take size into the equation. I suppose you could but a juvy red devil in with an adult severum.

Like I said, both jack demsy's and black belts seem to hold their own against a red devil.

I suppose your main problem is that red devils are very territorial fish, so no matter what fish you introduce to an established tank (where the red devil knows his territory) you are going to have problems.

my advice would be to choose the fish you wish to add but rearrange the tank on the day of arrival so as to confuse the red devil and then give them both time to sort out territories etc.

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