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Feed fry


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I have a some electric yellow fry hatching and start seeing their tails in my egg tumbler at the moment...just want to know:

When should I remove them to an egg saver?

What to feed to them when they start to swim freely?

I have heard of Microworm culture... any good ? Does anyone have existing culture to spare?


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They don't need feeding until the egg sac is used up. When this happens they should be moved to a fry saver and fed on microworms and/or crushed flake or fry food.

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baby brine shrimp are an option as well.

a LFS near me sells them for $1 a bag which is plenty enough kept in the fridge to get them old enough for crushed flake/pellets

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You can. Make sure the food is ground very fine.

can you skip the microworms.. and just feed flakes after the egg sac is finished? or will they die?

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Hi Lex, you can feed NLS H2O Stable wafers or NLS Grow Formula. NLS H2O wafers stay in water without disintegrating for over 24 hours, excellent fry food and also your fry gets a continuos feed. Another advantage is if you are away for a few days you can easily get some one else to feed your fish without overfeeding; simply say how many discs to put in the tank.

HTH :)


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I've successfully raised at least 200 electric yellow fry this year (with only about a 3% fatality rate in the first 24 hours, 0% thereafter) and just crush micro food into powder to start with and then just crushed flake once they grow a little. Quiet frankly with Electric Yellows I don't see the need to bother with brineshrimp.

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I'm with Harry, I wouldnt use microworms or brine shrimp for any baby mouthbrooders. They are big enough to take milled (in a pepper mill) pelleted food (of your choice). Alternatively - make a fine food from your pelleted foods using a coffee grinder (I have one I use just for this purpose).

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