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Upgrading your Jebo R338 Lights


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Has anyone upgraded their Jebo R338 Lighting?

Has anyone had success with just replacing the two standard tubes for a 10,000K or the 18,000K?

Thinking of keeping a full planted tank.


***This is how I am doing it...... Read below if you want to upgrade yours.

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Has anyone upgraded their Jebo R338 Lighting?

Has anyone had success with just replacing the two standard tubes for a 10,000K or the 18,000K?

Thinking of keeping a full planted tank.


I have a jebo, and recently thought about adding some plants. I looked into replacing the bulbs, and was advised not to by the LFS. There isnt a lot of info out there about these tanks, and they seem pretty limited in terms of DIY/upgrades.

I'm sure if you were handy you could retrofit the canopy to suit. For me the expense and time of doing this is equal to just buying a new plain rectangular tank and starting from scratch. so many more options...

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I'm going to retrofit a 24W CFL.

Will post how I do it next week.

Hey, definitely post back on how you go with it.

I was planning on buying a new tank and keeping the jebo as a hospital tank. But if retrofitting becomes a viable option, I may give it a go and plant the jebo as well.

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OK here is what I have done to the hood.

Full view

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Insides removed

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Holes marking

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Holes drilled for releasing heat.

Note: don't drill the holes that has the red arrows. They are the supporting that hold up the reflectors. Silly me drilled it!!!

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The Compact fluorescent light. Came in today from http://www.reefculture.com.au/catalog/. It is a 24 Watt that is 13 inch long. Fits perfectly under the hood. It is a 50/50 10,000K/Actinic. Planing to keep a nano reef.

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More to come in 2 weeks time when I get the ballast, lamp holder and start holder. Will post more pictures and instructions.

BIG thanks to Jimmy from the MASA website for giving me the idea.


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  • 4 weeks later...

***Warning, if you are going to do the wiring, you MUST have some electrical knowledge. Otherwise get a electrician***

Wiring diagram

IPB Image

Ballast (this ballast can take 18W, 24W, 26W, or 28W tubes)

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The insides

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The Lamp holder

IPB Image

Everything in

IPB Image

The result

IPB Image

I'm installing the fan now. Will post some more photos later this week.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Looking good... I've passed up cheap used Jebo tanks before because of the poor lighting and (to my taste) not so adequate filtration but this is changing my mind.

If you don't mind my asking, what was the budget for this job?

Cheers - OziOscar.

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Holes were drilled using the wood drill bit. You know the one that has a point at the end to help you drill straight without going all over the place. I also pre marked the holes with a stanley knife.


The new Jebo tank has CFL now. But I still think they are not enough. Cost of this project was just under $30. The lamp cost $18, ballast & lamp holder was $9, fan and adaptor was free from work and the rest was reused from the old lights. If you had to get everything then I would say about $35 for the lights and about $15 for the adaptor and fan.


It was magnetic ballast. The electronic ballast would have costed me about $45. The electronic ballast is also cooler.

I will be taking the tank into work this weekend. I get some photos up next week to show you guys how the lights look like.

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I was going to say, how on earth is a single 24w globe enough for that nano tank.

I'd fit two 24w globes & use an electronic ballast & remote mount it

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