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tropheus & alto comps


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tropheus nuts, lend me your ears!

as above, after having "disappearing" frontosa dry.gif my buddy is tossing up the idea of starting with tropheus (moliro red variant specifically). He's also always liked alto comps - are they compatible with T's or should they be kept seperate?

How about Syno multis - ok with tropheus? he just got a nice group of these guys & would rather not ditch them. actually the tank also has N. lelupi & N. brichardi though I think he's content to trade them to help store credit on the tropheus.

Would 20 juvie moliros in a hit enough to grow out in a 8x2? maybe add another 10 or so 6 months later.

Cheers for the advice.


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NLS solves that, doesn't it?

edit: I was more after behavioural compatibility

will the constant movement of the Ts freak out the altos

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It would if you can get the alto comps onto the NLS. I can't get them interested in the NLS. The Tropheus are fine on the NLS.

NLS solves that, doesn't it?

edit: I was more after behavioural compatibility

will the constant movement of the Ts freak out the altos

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could that have just been stubborn adult fish perhaps? how long did you try & did you try fasting them?

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I tried over a two week period. Not feeding them for a couple of days. They don't seem to want to eat off the bottom but prefer to "stalk" a flake falling slowly past them. This aplies to adults and juvies. Also I don't think the fast moving Tropheus would allow them to feeed adequately. I have them either on their own or in a mixed tang tank and they do best with fish that feed in a similar manner.

could that have just been stubborn adult fish perhaps?    how long did you try & did you try fasting them?

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Another one bitten by the tropheus bug!!! shock.gif

I have not personally kept Ts with altos but i have seen people in other forums do it and do it successfully.

Only problem i can forsee is that T fry will be quite tasty for the altos. But i am sure they will not be too stressed with the overactivity of the Ts. The Ts won't bother the altos.

I don't know if the altos will be able to breed in this environment but with a 8 by 2, u could dedicate a corner of the tank with a few caves for the altos.

Synodontis multis are quite compatible with tropheus, so would be fine!

U can keep up to 60 adult Ts in a 8 by 2!!!



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Hey hey,

Due to the lack of space whilst the new room was being built, and then due to lack of space because of too many variants blush.gif I have a colony of young adult T.Ilangi cohabitating with 6 adult calvus, 6 subadult gold comps and some clown loaches by default cool.gif in a 4x2x2 very happy and breeding. I find the aggression well matched and there have been no casualties in the time (4 months) that they have been together.

They are the only T's I feed NLS to and the Altos get a good feed of spirulina every day as well smile.gif

All my other T variants are in species only tanks where possible, although they share their homes with carpets of bristlenose.


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tropheus nuts, lend me your ears

How about Syno multis - ok with tropheus? 

hi Ash

if the long term objective is to breed the trophs, i would be looking towards removing the syno's [due to their breeding mode] as the trophs mature.

i veiw the alto's, brichardi and leloupi as being a self supportive group. though they may be a concern for troph fry, [but that can be overcome]

cheers; Col

ps; syno's = more money for trophs

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it's more a display tank thank anything else, selling the fry wouldn't realistically happen due to all the rockwork making it a PITA to catch them anyway

so given the display only outlook they'd probably all work out from what I've read here - only negative is fry loss? (also considering NLS will be used to negate dietary differences)

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it's more a display tank thank anything else, selling the fry wouldn't realistically happen due to all the rockwork making it a PITA to catch them anyway

so given the display only outlook they'd probably all work out from what I've read here - only negative is fry loss?  (also considering NLS will be used to negate dietary differences)


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