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Angels spawning!

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Hi All

about twenty Minutes ago,My Angels spawned.They did this a week ago or so and by the Third day all eggs where GONE!

What shall I do?

I want to have the babys but they are in a community tank,the eggs are actully on a Leaf.I don't have many spare tanks,biggest 18 inches.

what should I do!


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18" tank with breeding angels?! that's a tad small isn't it?. maybe give them time & they'll get the hang of it, you didn't mention what else is in there though?

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No,There in a 5 foot by 2 foot by 2 foot Community tank and there is only a spare tank,18 inches in length.5 footer has Cichlids and other catties plus Tetra's ect

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Discus,Butterflys and a Flag (Will be getting more)

as for the Catties,there is everything from Bristlnose to Upside downs and Clownies.

Should I move the leaf to another tank?

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Should I move the leaf to another  tank?

probably wont do any good, as you need to move the parents as well [they look after the eggs and [if] the fry. once you disturb their territory they will more than likely abandon the clutch

but, as they are in the breeding cycle, move them to the smaller tank and all should go well for the next spawn

hth; C

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Okay,so let this bacth go and as they get ready to spawn next time,move them to a tank?

Is there ANYTHING i can do to save this bacth?

Thanks fro all your replys!

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Okay,so let this bacth go and as they get ready to spawn next time,move them to a tank?

Is there ANYTHING i can do to save this bacth?

Thanks fro all your replys!

Zac you can try this not ideal but has worker for me,

fill the 18inch tank 3/4 with water from 5 footer with heater, cut the leaf and wedge it firmly between two rocks vertically slightly eggs side down. Then place an air stone with a slow fine trickle of air under the leaf over the eggs. and wait and see.

i hope that made sense

like i said not fool proof but has worked for me


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for your next batch when u move the breeding angels across u should obtain some meth blue u can get it from petbarn i tried for a few months to get mine to successfully spawn but like your self after 2-3days the eggs would disappear and my angels have a tank to them selves what it is is the eggs that dont fertilise go fungus and then that spreads to the other eggs once this happens the parents eat the eggs never mind thebristlenose or any thing else in your tank. once i put in the meth blue the very next batch was a success

cheers Cal

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ALso, my sister commented that "apparently" angels can be hard to breed due to the fact that the parents are prone to eat their own eggs... She apparently found this out from surfing on the net, and also from her old angels who would constantly munch their eggs.

As for raising the eggs... I don't know but Alex's idea sounds like a ripper.

Good luck with them! Hopefully when you put them in their own tank they'll raise the fry themselves!


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make sure u use the meth blue either way u go if u can get it to work alex's way u will have more angels then u will know what to do with as before my angels raised there clutch they where spawning every 2 weeks without fail so if u can get the eggs out and raise them your angels should just keep pumping out those eggs

cheers Cal

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