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How early do african cichlids breed?


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How early do african cichlids breed? lately i have been seeing alot of africans with a mouth full of fry.

The fish ive seen are only 3-4cm in size max. is this common for them to do this at that size? I was told by a breeder that they are breeding that early because they are brought up together, as in they all came from the same mother and father.

Just curious smile.gif

Noticed alot of electric yellows and e.blues with the mouthfulls.

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Yes some cichlids will breed at that size...however i do not reccommend it as they are still in their growth period and if they hold full term that will take its toll on overall size......as they wont eat for up to 3weeks..

Electric yellows breed at quite a small size, but as per electric blues, id say they were in a tank with their father or another full grown male to breed....


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It is usually dependant on their adult sizing as well. eg demasoni are full grown at 7-8cm so around the 3-4 mark they are young adults already practicing being parents smile.gif and some actually succeeding - a little like humans I suppose dry.gif .

The life span also has some bearing and some mature very quickly to display the type of behaviour you describe, but do not tend to live as many years as those that are slower to develop and mature.

There are many factors involved but if a fish is not yet mature then consider them as practice runs.

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It is usually dependant on their adult sizing as well. eg demasoni are full grown at 7-8cm so around the 3-4 mark they are young adults already practicing being parents smile.gif and some actually succeeding - a little like humans I suppose dry.gif .

The life span also has some bearing and some mature very quickly to display the type of behaviour you describe, but do not tend to live as many years as those that are slower to develop and mature.

There are many factors involved but if a fish is not yet mature then consider them as practice runs.

I concur with Aline (as if I couldn't anyhow wink2.gif ) The last mouthful of demasoni I had was 11 and she held to term and she is 4cm max in size. They were getting mouthfuls for 12 weeks before they started to hold for more than a week. I prefer the natural method (I am a Pat Parrelli style fish breeder LOL.gif ) I would prefer that the girls release of there own accord than me intervene and strip them, but that is me. I have had yellows @ 4cm holding for 3+ weeks as well to produce 3 or 4 fry, but I finally have my first mouthful of Afra cobwe fry and she would be around 6-7cm so it does depends on the fish I guess.



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