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Vent sexing


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Was wondering if anyone out there can help me with vent sexing of V. Moori. have recently aquired this hard to get species, and already have some paired off but impossible to id male from female. how searched the net with only limited success, photos weren't the best.

also if some one can give me an idiots guide to posting pics i could provide some pics for comparrison.


Brett smile.gif

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G'day Brett

these tangs can be very hard to sex, cuase their eggs are so small there is very little diferance between the vent of the male and female.

i have always found that females are larger and more colourful in a pair.

The colour in the males doesn't tend to be as dark.

hope this helps



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Hey brett, for some basic info on vent sexing check out this link:


As for posting pics, you need to host your photo's through a website like photobucket.com or similar, most of us use photo bucket because its free and ezy. Once you have uploaded the image to photobucket it will give you a thumbnail image and 3 "tags", just copy and paste the IMG tag into the text box here and your picture should appear once you complete the post!

HTH Cheers Andy

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Thanks for that info, most useful. Probly won't be able to sex my guys anytime soon as one of my pairs have established themselves in one of the caves and have been preparing the site for a few days.

I'll try get some photos on as these guys are hard to come by these days but are such great fish in a tang community tank.



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hmmm I've never tried vent sexing V. moorii and woudl expect it to be rather difficult as their eggs are quite small.

Judging from the ones I had some time back though, sexing of this species isn't all that difficult.

The males are the little wussy, lighter coloured ones that hide most of the time and the females are larger, darker, territorial and more aggressive (and ride around on small aquatic motor bikes humming "so long aunty jack, we know you'll be back" cool.gif )

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G'day Brett,

I vent sexed my 4 just a month ago or less. I wasn't sure which one was which and posted some of the vent pics on an international forum. The link that phatoscarlover has added in his reply is good for those particular species that are shown in the photos, but after some research I found that vent sexing can be very species specific and really couldn't discern the V. moori from those pics

Here are the pics that I took. They have been confirmed by several individuals.


The left side is the male

The right side is the female

Hope thats helps



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