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Flame backs


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I recently purchased some flame backs labeled (H.Nyererei Igombe) from a local aquarium. I have read that there are a number of different forms of flame backs, are there other forms available in AUST. and is Igombe valid. confused.gif


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Haplochromis nyererei "Ikombe Island" is a valid geographical variant. It will also be listed as Pundamilia nyererei on some websites depending which school of thought they adhere to. I prefer to use the later.

As to what other geographical variants that are available I am uncertain.

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Hi -

as Ged says P. nyererei does indeed come from "Igombe Island". Fishbase lists the current genus as Pundamilia (reference below).

Seehausen, O., Lippitsch, E. and N. Bouton and H. Zwennes 1998.

Mbipi, the rock-dwelling cichlids of Lake Victoria: description of three new genera and fifteen new species. Ichthyol. Explor. Freshwaters 129-228

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