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Anuibus plants

Tunnel Rat

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Hi people I just got some Anuibus plants on wood they look great one is the short type 2" in hight very bushy and the other has two plants on the same wood about 4"-7" in hight with long steams.

The guy that sold them to me said they do not need much light is this true ?

I got some Sera florena plant fertilizer for them they are in a 2'x2'x2' tank with only one 24" Arcadia 18w fluorescent is this lighting going to work ?

I just do not wont them to go yellow like I see a lot of them in lfs do.

Any help would be great.


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Anuibus plants don't need a lot of light, they just grow very slow in low light conditions like you have.

Also don't over do it with plant fertilizer otherwise you will get an algea problem.

Are these the only plants you intend to keep?


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Mine did fine and were constantly sprouting new shoots. There lighting was a small day globe with sand substrate and a pH of about 6.0. Very easy to keep.


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The number one hint for these plants is patience.

I do add a cupful of trace element fertilizer per 400L once a week.

Nothing else.

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Anuibus plants don't need a lot of light, they just grow very slow in low light conditions like you have.

Also don't over do it with plant fertilizer otherwise you will get an algea problem.

Are these the only plants you intend to keep?


Thanks for the help guys these sound like my type of plant thumb.gif .

Luckfish: Anuibus and maybe java fern only plants that do not need gravel

My tank

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Tanks looks great,the Platties will help control any algea that might grow on the leaves.

Any reason why you don't have any substrate? If you do decide to add substrate i would use some fine black gravel or sand & your tank would look awesome i.m.o


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Tanks looks great,the Platties will help control any algea that might grow on the leaves.

Any reason why you don't have any substrate? If you do decide to add  substrate i would use some fine black gravel or sand & your tank would look awesome i.m.o


Hey luckfish I did not put any substate in the tank so it was easier to clean But I am now thinking that the fish would of liked it a lot better if I had some.Black would look good with this tank I did paint the back & bottom black love the look.

I am putting a 3x2x2 together with a red rock background (universal habitats) It will have Black or a red/brown sand see what I can find.

I did not know platties will help with the algea on the leaves is there any other bigger fish that will do the same but not of the sucking cat fish type.

See if you look at the bottom left side of the tank the platties are for him and two of he's mates shock.gif

They where just starter feeders starting the tank for me only got one now there was six sad.gif

thx for any help


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Platties,swordtails,guppies all eat the soft type green algea.I would say Albino BNs would look good against a dark bottom & they are cheap to buy from forum members.They also keep your tank mostly algea free.

Good luck with the tank Bill


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